Included With Every Plan
- 大陆带宽:CMI (回程三网)
- 去程路由优化
////////// NeWorld Theme $_LANG['save'] = "Save"; $_LANG['features'] = "features"; $_LANG['pricing'] = "pricing"; $_LANG['themes'] = "themes"; $_LANG['modules'] = "modules"; $_LANG['forum'] = "forum"; $_LANG['licensing'] = "licensing"; $_LANG['getitnow'] = "Buy Now"; $_LANG['ram'] = "Ram"; $_LANG['learnmore'] = "Learn More"; $_LANG['tos'] = "Terms of Services"; $_LANG['yourname'] = "Your name"; $_LANG['createapassword'] = "Create a Password"; $_LANG['getstarted'] = "GET STARTED, ITS FREE!"; $_LANG['homecontact'] = "Contact"; $_LANG['footabout'] = "ABOUT"; $_LANG['footproduct'] = "PRODUCT"; $_LANG['footsupport'] = "SUPPORT"; $_LANG['footconnect'] = "CONNECT"; $_LANG['clikingiagree'] = "By cliking "Get it Now" I agree to NeWorld's"; $_LANG['copy'] = "Copy"; $_LANG['chooseproduct'] = "Choose Product"; $_LANG['summary'] = "Summary"; $_LANG['noaccount'] = "Don't have an account yet?"; $_LANG['demo'] = "DEMO"; $_LANG['sliderdesc'] = "Fully responsive Website Template fully integrated in WHMCS client area for Web Hosting Providers with 5 additional pages which are included within WHMCS by using WHMCS additional pages, You just need to edit .tpl files for contents modification."; $_LANG['whatis'] = "What is NeWorld"; $_LANG['whatisdesc'] = "Responsive design, accord with the W3C standards, using CSS 3, HTML 5 production based on WHMCS version 6, the user center for new production"; $_LANG['homeannouncements'] = "announcements:";
中国大陆优化路由 (CMI),可定制大带宽、独立服务器